Staveley with Ings Parish Council has two areas of allotments, Fell Foot, and Frona Williams.
The Fell Foot Allotments are in a spectacular location and are still in the process of being regenerated after many years of neglect. Current plot holders have made huge advances in developing their plots. Volunteer work parties have improved the general appearance from time to time. Allotments cost 20p per square metre annually.
The Frona Williams allotments are located in Silver Street and are smaller but more fertile and easier to manage. Allotments cost £50 each per year.
Anyone not working their allotment will be asked to leave as there is a short waiting list. If you are interested in becoming an allotment holder, you can contact the parish clerk with your details.
New holders start their tenancy on 1 April of each year.
If you’d like to look around the allotments or have any queries please get in touch with Anne Salisbury, Chair of the Parish Council Allotments Working Group.