Staveley with Ings Together

Staveley with Ings Together was formed in 2020 to support the residents of Staveley with Ings Parish during ‘lock-down’.

Since then it has continued to run as an umbrella organisation to projects that support people in the parish. If anyone has a desire to start up a project to promote social and emotional well being or respond to poverty in the parish we might be able to help you get started so get in touch.

Warm Spaces Accounts 2023 - 2024

Community Larder Accounts 2023 - 2024

Our current projects include:

Food FareShare

Established in December 2020 during lock down. Food on its way to being waste is sold cheaply to us from Preston Fare Share.We divide it into boxes of food and sell to anyone interested for a small amount, currently £1.50. There’s no means testing.

Fare Share is on Mondays in the Pavilion. Collecting boxes of food between 11.30 and 1300. Or if you’re not around then it can be left in the special shed behind the Pavilion.

If you’d like to join the scheme to receive food or volunteer then just get in touch via email or phone the Fare Share on 07396 696726.

Warm Spaces @ The Institute

Warm Spaces are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the winter months from 12 to 2pm.. It is part of the Warm Spots initiative and has received funding from Cumbria Community Foundation.

Warm Spaces provides a place to drop-in, for a chat, a bowl of soup and a pudding. It’s a great opportunity to meet new people and find out about what is happening in the village. You might even find a group who want a game of cards, Rumikub or dominoes. Everyone is welcome. Beat the lonely winter gloom and come along. It’s free although you can donate a little if you wish.

Everyone is welcome: just drop-in. To join the team who keep it going email us or drop-in when we’re open. You can help by opening up, the Institute and serving the food. If fancy it you could make a pudding or some soup! Email

Although this is a collaborative venture each session is supported by between 2 and 3 people. Here is the rota for those people. Click here to go to the Volunteer form.

The Community Larder

The Community Larder is now located in the Mill Yard near the nursery and the physiotherapists.